
Should I Take An Ambulance After A Car Accident

Car accidents can sometimes result in severe injuries, making it necessary to take an ambulance to a hospital. In cases where the injuries are not that serious but still need immediate medical attention, it can be difficult to decide whether or not to take an ambulance. Victims of car accidents are often concerned about…

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How To Deal With Insurance Companies Following An Accident

Being in a car accident can be challenging. After the unfortunate event, you and your insurance company must agree on fair compensation for your injuries and property damage. As you may know, insurance companies make their money by offering protection in the case of a car accident. However, you can expect your insurance company…

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What Is The Statute of Limitations For A Car Accident in Colorado?

The aftermath of a Colorado car accident may leave you wondering exactly how long you have to file your claim for injuries and damages. After being injured in a car accident, your first action should be to seek medical attention. However, it may not be long before you are required to file your personal…

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How Are Medical Bills Paid After A Car Accident?

If you have suffered injuries in a car accident in Montana, Idaho, or Colorado, you may be wondering how your medical payments are going to be made, especially if you had no fault. Whose car insurance will cover your medical expenses? And when will the insurance company pay you the money? Is there a…

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When to Get a Lawyer for a Car Accident

Following a car accident, most car accident victims are left to deal with severe injuries and rising medical bills on their own. Even more, insurance companies offer a low settlement that may be just a fraction of what you need to recover. Please consider that insurance companies do not have your best interest in…

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